Articles tagged with v1.4 You wanted more? It's KubeVirt v1.4! (12 Nov 2024 | KubeVirt, v1.4, release, community, cncf, milestone, party time) Other tags to explore AMI AWS Advanced VM scheduling America Ansible CDI CI-CD CNCF CNI CPU pinning CPUManager CRI ClearContainers Cluster Autoscaler Condition types EC2 EKS Fedora GPU GPU workloads HCO Intel KVM KubeCon KubeVirt KubeVirt Tekton Tasks Kubernetes Kubevirt Live Migration MetalLB Microsoft Windows container Microsoft Windows kubernetes NUMA NVIDIA NetworkPolicy OKD OKD console OVN OpenShift web console OpenStack QEMU SDN Skydive Tekton Pipelines VM VirtualMachine VirtualMachineInstancetype VirtualMachinePreference Windows addons admin admin operations affinity ansible ansible collection api architecture authentication autodeployer basic operations bridge build builder tool cdi ceph changelog chronyd ci-cd cicd clone cloudnativecon cluster-network-addons-operator cnao cncf cockpit common-templates community composer-cli condition types conference connect to console connect to ssh container containerDisk containerized data importer continuous integration contra-lib coreos create vm cri-o custom resources datavolumes debug dedicated network design development device plugins disk image docker ebtables event eviction federation flannel gathering gcp glusterfs go grafana heketi hilights homelab hugepages hyperconverged operator iac ignition images import infrastructure installing kubevirt instancetypes iptables istio jenkins kubecon kubefed kubernetes kubernetes-nmstate kubetron kubevirt kubevirt installation kubevirt objects kubevirt upgrade kubevirt-ansible kubevirt-hyperconverged kubevirt-tutorial kubevirt.core kubevirtci kvm lab laboratory libvirt lifecycle live migration load-balancer memory mesh metrics milestone minikube monitoring multicluster multiple networks multus network networking neutron nmo nmstate noVNC node drain node-exporter ntp oVirt objects octant okd openshift openshift console operation operations operator manual overcommitment ovirt ovn ovs-cni party time pass-through passthrough preferences prometheus prometheus-operator prow qemu quickstart rbac real-time registry release release notes remove vm review rhcos roadmap roles rook sandbox scheduling security service mesh serviceaccount start vm stop vm storage talk topologyKeys tproxy unit testing upgrading upload use kubevirt user interface v1.0 v1.1.0 v1.4 vGPU vagrant video virt-customize virtVNC virtlet virtual machine virtual machine management virtual machines vm import volume types vscode weavenet web interface website windows