KubeVirt Summit 2024 CfP is open!

We are very pleased to announce the details for this year’s KubeVirt Summit!!

What is KubeVirt Summit?

KubeVirt Summit is our annual online conference, now in its fourth year, in which the entire broader community meets to showcase technical architecture, new features, proposed changes, and in-depth tutorials. We have two tracks to cater for developer talks, and another for end users to share their deployment journey with KubeVirt and their use case(s) at scale. And there’s no reason why a talk can’t be both :)

When is it?

The event will take place online over two half-days:

  • Dates: June 25 and 26 June 24 and 25, 2024
  • Time: TBD (In the past we have aimed for 1200-1700 UTC but may modify these times slightly depending on our speaker timezones)

How to submit a proposal?

  • Please submit through this Googleform
  • CfP closes: May 20, 2024
  • Schedule will announced at the end of May

Do consider proposing a session, and help make our fourth Summit as valuable as possible. We welcome a range of session types, any of which can be simple and intended for beginners or face-meltingly technical. Check out last year’s talks for some ideas.

Have questions?

Our KubeVirt Summit 2024 page will continue to evolve with details as we get closer.

You can also reach out on our virtualization Slack channel (in the Kubernetes workspace).

Keep up to date

Connect with the KubeVirt Community through our mailing list, slack channels, weekly meetings, and more, all list in our community repo.

Good luck!