


This alert fires when a JSON Patch annotation is used to change an operand of the HyperConverged Cluster Operator (HCO).

HCO configures KubeVirt and its supporting operators in an opinionated way and overwrites its operands when there is an unexpected change to them. Users must not modify the operands directly.

However, if a change is required and it is not supported by the HCO API, you can force HCO to set a change in an operator by using JSON Patch annotations. These changes are not reverted by HCO during its reconciliation process.

See the KubeVirt documentation for details.


Incorrect use of JSON Patch annotations might lead to unexpected results or an unstable environment.

Upgrading a system with JSON Patch annotations is dangerous because the structure of the component custom resources might change.


Check the annotation_name in the alert details to identify the JSON Patch annotation:



It is best to use the HCO API to change an operand. However, if the change can only be done with a JSON Patch annotation, proceed with caution.

Remove JSON Patch annotations before upgrade to avoid potential issues.

If the JSON Patch annotation is generic and useful, you can submit an RFE to add the modification to the API by filing a bug.