


This alert fires when no virt-operator pod with a leader lease has been detected for 10 minutes, although the virt-operator pods are in a Ready state. The alert indicates that no leader pod is available.

The virt-operator is the first Operator to start in a cluster. Its primary responsibilities include the following:

The virt-operator deployment has a default replica of 2 pods, with one pod holding a leader lease.


This alert indicates a failure at the level of the cluster. As a result, critical cluster-wide management functionalities, such as certification rotation, upgrade, and reconciliation of controllers, might not be available.


  1. Set the NAMESPACE environment variable:

    $ export NAMESPACE="$(kubectl get kubevirt -A -o custom-columns="":.metadata.namespace)"
  2. Obtain the status of the virt-operator pods:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pods -l
  3. Check the virt-operator pod logs to determine the leader status:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE logs | grep lead

    Leader pod example:

    {"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"Attempting to acquire leader status","pos":"application.go:400","timestamp":"2021-11-30T12:15:18.635387Z"}
    I1130 12:15:18.635452       1 leaderelection.go:243] attempting to acquire leader lease <namespace>/virt-operator...
    I1130 12:15:19.216582       1 leaderelection.go:253] successfully acquired lease <namespace>/virt-operator
    {"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"Started leading","pos":"application.go:385","timestamp":"2021-11-30T12:15:19.216836Z"}

    Non-leader pod example:

    {"component":"virt-operator","level":"info","msg":"Attempting to acquire leader status","pos":"application.go:400","timestamp":"2021-11-30T12:15:20.533696Z"}
    I1130 12:15:20.533792       1 leaderelection.go:243] attempting to acquire leader lease <namespace>/virt-operator...
  4. Obtain the details of the affected virt-operator pods:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE describe pod <virt-operator>


Based on the information obtained during the diagnosis procedure, try to identify the root cause and resolve the issue.

If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: