


This alert fires when the NetworkAddonsConfig custom resource (CR) of the Cluster Network Addons Operator (CNAO) is not ready.

CNAO deploys additional networking components on the cluster. This alert indicates that one of the deployed components is not ready.


Network functionality is affected.


  1. Check the status conditions of the NetworkAddonsConfig CR to identify the deployment or daemon set that is not ready:

    $ kubectl get networkaddonsconfig -o custom-columns="":.status.conditions[*].message

    Example output:

    DaemonSet "cluster-network-addons/macvtap-cni" update is being processed...
  2. Check the component’s pod for errors:

    $ kubectl -n cluster-network-addons get daemonset <pod> -o yaml
  3. Check the component’s logs:

    $ kubectl -n cluster-network-addons logs <pod>
  4. Check the component’s details for error conditions:

    $ kubectl -n cluster-network-addons describe <pod>


Try to identify the root cause and resolve the issue.

If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: