


The KubeVirtVMStuckInStartingState alert means that a VirtualMachine has been in a starting state for more than 5 minutes. This alert can suggest an issue in the VirtualMachine configuration, e.g., a misconfigured priority class or a missing network device.


There is no immediate impact. However, if there are multiple machines in a starting state, it might indicate that something is not working as planned, for example, a script may be consistently creating incorrect Virtual Machines configurations.


Check the VirtualMachine’s status and conditions, and VM logs and configuration to find out what is causing the starting state.

$ kubectl describe vmi testvmi-ldgrw -n kubevirt-test-default1

Name:         testvmi-ldgrw
Namespace:    kubevirt-test-default1
Labels:       name=testvmi-ldgrw
Annotations: v1
API Version:
Kind:         VirtualMachineInstance
    Name:  default
  Priority Class Name:               non-preemtible
  Termination Grace Period Seconds:  0
    Last Probe Time:       2022-10-03T11:08:30Z
    Last Transition Time:  2022-10-03T11:08:30Z
    Message:               virt-launcher pod has not yet been scheduled
    Reason:                PodNotExists
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Ready
    Last Probe Time:       <nil>
    Last Transition Time:  2022-10-03T11:08:30Z
    Message:               failed to create virtual machine pod: pods "virt-launcher-testvmi-ldgrw-" is forbidden: no PriorityClass with name non-preemtible was found
    Reason:                FailedCreate
    Status:                False
    Type:                  Synchronized
  Guest OS Info:
  Phase:  Pending
  Phase Transition Timestamps:
    Phase:                        Pending
    Phase Transition Timestamp:   2022-10-03T11:08:30Z
  Runtime User:                   0
  Virtual Machine Revision Name:  revision-start-vm-6f01a94b-3260-4c5a-bbe5-dc98d13e6bea-1
  Type     Reason        Age                From                       Message
  ----     ------        ----               ----                       -------
  Warning  FailedCreate  8s (x13 over 28s)  virtualmachine-controller  Error creating pod: pods "virt-launcher-testvmi-ldgrw-" is forbidden: no PriorityClass with name non-preemtible was found


First, ensure that the VirtualMachine configuration is correct and all necessary resources exist. For example, if a network device is missing, it should be created.

If the state of the VirtualMachine is “Pending”, it means that it wasn’t scheduled yet, which in turn rules out scheduling issues as the root cause. If this is the case, possible causes include:

  1. virt-launcher pod isn’t scheduled
  2. Topology hints for VMI aren’t updated
  3. DV is not provisioned/ready

This problem can be caused by several reasons. Therefore, we advise you to try to identify and fix the root cause. If you cannot resolve this issue, please open an issue and attach the artifacts gathered in the Diagnosis section.