


This alert fires when a data volume is Pending because there is no default storage class.

A default virtualization storage class has precedence over a default Kubernetes storage class for creating a VirtualMachine disk image.


If there is no default Kubernetes storage class and no default virtualization storage class, a data volume that does not have a specified storage class remains in a Pending phase.


  1. Check for a default Kubernetes storage class by running the following command:
  $ kubectl get sc -o jsonpath='{.items[?(.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubernetes\.io\/is-default-class=="true")]}'
  1. Check for a default virtualization storage class by running the following command:
  $ kubectl get sc -o jsonpath='{.items[?(.metadata.annotations.storageclass\.kubevirt\.io\/is-default-virt-class=="true")]}'


Create a default storage class for Kubernetes, virtualization, or both.

A default virtualization storage class has precedence over a default Kubernetes storage class for creating a virtual machine disk image.

If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: