


More than 5% of REST calls have failed in the virt-api pods in the last 60 minutes.


A high rate of failed REST calls to virt-api might lead to slow response and execution of API calls.

However, currently running virtual machine workloads are not likely to be affected.


  1. Set the NAMESPACE environment variable as follows:

    $ export NAMESPACE="$(kubectl get kubevirt -A -o custom-columns="":.metadata.namespace)"
  2. Check the status of the virt-api pods:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pods -l
  3. Check the virt-api logs:

    $ kubectl logs -n $NAMESPACE <virt-api>
  4. Obtain the details of the virt-api pods:

    $ kubectl describe -n $NAMESPACE <virt-api>
  5. Check if any problems occurred with the nodes. For example, they might be in a NotReady state:

    $ kubectl get nodes
  6. Check the status of the virt-api deployment:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get deploy virt-api -o yaml
  7. Obtain the details of the virt-api deployment:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE describe deploy virt-api


Based on the information obtained during the diagnosis procedure, try to identify the root cause and resolve the issue.

If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: