


This alert fires when all the Scheduling, Scale and Performance (SSP) Operator pods are down.

The SSP Operator is responsible for deploying and reconciling the common templates and the Template Validator.


Dependent components might not be deployed. Changes in the components might not be reconciled. As a result, the common templates and/or the Template Validator might not be updated or reset if they fail.


  1. Set the NAMESPACE environment variable:

    $ export NAMESPACE="$(kubectl get deployment -A | grep ssp-operator | awk '{print $1}')"
  2. Check the status of the ssp-operator pods.

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pods -l control-plane=ssp-operator
  3. Obtain the details of the ssp-operator pods:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE describe pods -l control-plane=ssp-operator
  4. Check the ssp-operator logs for error messages:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE logs --tail=-1 -l control-plane=ssp-operator


Try to identify the root cause and resolve the issue. If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources:

Note: Starting from 4.14, this runbook will no longer be supported. For a supported runbook, please see SSPDown Runbook.