


This alert fires when the Scheduling, Scale, and Performance (SSP) Operator reverts changes to common templates as part of its reconciliation procedure.

The SSP Operator deploys and reconciles the common templates and the Template Validator. If a user or script changes a common template, the changes are reverted by the SSP Operator.


Changes to common templates are overwritten.


  1. Set the NAMESPACE environment variable:

    $ export NAMESPACE="$(kubectl get deployment -A | grep ssp-operator | awk '{print $1}')"
  2. Check the ssp-operator logs for templates with reverted changes:

    $ kubectl -n $NAMESPACE logs --tail=-1 -l control-plane=ssp-operator | grep 'common template' -C 3


Try to identify and resolve the cause of the changes.

Ensure that changes are made only to copies of templates, and not to the templates themselves.

See the documentation for details.