


This alert fires when running virtual machine instances (VMIs) in outdated virt-launcher pods are detected 24 hours after the KubeVirt control plane has been updated.


Outdated VMIs might not have access to new KubeVirt features.

Outdated VMIs will not receive the security fixes associated with the virt-launcher pod update.


  1. Identify the outdated VMIs:

    $ kubectl get vmi -l --all-namespaces
  2. Check the KubeVirt custom resource (CR) to determine whether workloadUpdateMethods is configured in the workloadUpdateStrategy stanza:

    $ kubectl get kubevirt --all-namespaces -o yaml
  3. Check each outdated VMI to determine whether it is live-migratable:

    $ kubectl get vmi <vmi> -o yaml

    Example output:

    kind: VirtualMachineInstance
        - lastProbeTime: null
          lastTransitionTime: null
          message: cannot migrate VMI which does not use masquerade to connect to the pod network
          reason: InterfaceNotLiveMigratable
          status: "False"
          type: LiveMigratable


Configuring automated workload updates

Update the KubeVirt CR to enable automatic workload updates.

See Updating KubeVirt Workloads for more information.

Stopping a VM associated with a non-live-migratable VMI

If a VMI is not live-migratable and if runStrategy: always is set in the corresponding VirtualMachine object, you can update the VMI by manually stopping the virtual machine (VM):

  $ virtctl stop --namespace <namespace> <vm>

A new VMI spins up immediately in an updated virt-launcher pod to replace the stopped VMI. This is the equivalent of a restart action.

Note: Manually stopping a live-migratable VM is destructive and not recommended because it interrupts the workload.

Migrating a live-migratable VMI

If a VMI is live-migratable, you can update it by creating a VirtualMachineInstanceMigration object that targets a specific running VMI. The VMI is migrated into an updated virt-launcher pod.

  1. Create a VirtualMachineInstanceMigration manifest and save it as migration.yaml:

    kind: VirtualMachineInstanceMigration
      name: <migration_name>
      namespace: <namespace>
      vmiName: <vmi_name>
  2. Create a VirtualMachineInstanceMigration object to trigger the migration:

    $ kubectl create -f migration.yaml

If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: