


The KubeVirtVMStuckInMigratingState alert means that a VirtualMachine has been in a migrating state for more than 5 minutes. This alert can suggest a problem in the cluster’s underlying infrastructure, e.g. network disruptions, node resource shortage, etc.


There is no immediate impact. However, if there are multiple machines in a migrating state, it might indicate there might be a problem in the cluster’s underlying infrastructure.


Check the nodes statuses and conditions for potential issues.

$ kubectl get nodes -l -o json | jq '.items | .[].status.allocatable'

  "cpu": "5",
  "": "1k",
  "": "0",
  "": "1k",
  "": "1k",
  "ephemeral-storage": "33812468066",
  "hugepages-1Gi": "0",
  "hugepages-2Mi": "128Mi",
  "memory": "3783496Ki",
  "pods": "110"
$ kubectl get nodes -l -o json | jq '.items | .[].status.conditions'

    "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-10-03T11:13:34Z",
    "lastTransitionTime": "2022-10-03T10:14:20Z",
    "message": "kubelet has sufficient memory available",
    "reason": "KubeletHasSufficientMemory",
    "status": "False",
    "type": "MemoryPressure"
    "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-10-03T11:13:34Z",
    "lastTransitionTime": "2022-10-03T10:14:20Z",
    "message": "kubelet has no disk pressure",
    "reason": "KubeletHasNoDiskPressure",
    "status": "False",
    "type": "DiskPressure"
    "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-10-03T11:13:34Z",
    "lastTransitionTime": "2022-10-03T10:14:20Z",
    "message": "kubelet has sufficient PID available",
    "reason": "KubeletHasSufficientPID",
    "status": "False",
    "type": "PIDPressure"
    "lastHeartbeatTime": "2022-10-03T11:13:34Z",
    "lastTransitionTime": "2022-10-03T10:14:30Z",
    "message": "kubelet is posting ready status",
    "reason": "KubeletReady",
    "status": "True",
    "type": "Ready"


Ensure you applied the appropriate migration configuration to the VirtualMachine according to the nature of the workload.

Migration configurations can either be set globally via Kubevirt CR’s MigrationConfiguration struct or to a specific scope with Migration Policies. To check whether a VirtualMachine is bound to a migration policy, please refer to its vm.Status.MigrationState.MigrationPolicyName.

This problem can be caused by several reasons. Therefore, we advise you to try to identify and fix the root cause. If you cannot resolve this issue, please open an issue and attach the artifacts gathered in the Diagnosis section.