


This alert fires when the hostpath provisioner (HPP) shares a file system with other critical components, such as kubelet or the operating system (OS).

HPP dynamically provisions hostpath volumes to provide storage for persistent volume claims (PVCs).


A shared hostpath pool puts pressure on the node’s disks. The node might have degraded performance and stability.


  1. Configure the HPP_NAMESPACE environment variable:

    $ export HPP_NAMESPACE="$(kubectl get deployment -A | grep hostpath-provisioner-operator | awk '{print $1}')"
  2. Obtain the status of the hostpath-provisioner-csi daemon set pods:

    $ kubectl -n $HPP_NAMESPACE get pods | grep hostpath-provisioner-csi
  3. Check the hostpath-provisioner-csi logs to identify the shared pool and path:

    $ kubectl -n $HPP_NAMESPACE logs <csi_daemonset> -c hostpath-provisioner

    Example output:

    I0208 15:21:03.769731       1 utils.go:221] pool (<legacy, csi-data-dir>/csi), shares path with OS which can lead to node disk pressure


Using the data obtained in the Diagnosis section, try to prevent the pool path from being shared with the OS. The specific steps vary based on the node and other circumstances.

If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: