


This alert fires when a hostpath provisioner (HPP) installation is in a degraded state.

The HPP dynamically provisions hostpath volumes to provide storage for persistent volume claims (PVCs).


HPP is not usable. Its components are not ready and they are not progressing towards a ready state.


  1. Set the HPP_NAMESPACE environment variable:

    $ export HPP_NAMESPACE="$(kubectl get deployment -A | grep hostpath-provisioner-operator | awk '{print $1}')"
  2. Check for HPP components that are currently not ready:

    $ kubectl -n $HPP_NAMESPACE get all -l k8s-app=hostpath-provisioner
  3. Obtain the details of the failing pod:

    $ kubectl -n $HPP_NAMESPACE describe pods <pod>
  4. Check the logs of the failing pod:

    $ kubectl -n $HPP_NAMESPACE logs <pod>


Based on the information obtained during the diagnosis procedure, try to identify the root cause and resolve the issue.

If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: