


This alert fires when the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) Operator is down. The CDI Operator deploys and manages the CDI infrastructure components, such as data volume and persistent volume claim (PVC) controllers. These controllers help users build virtual machine disks on PVCs.


The CDI components might fail to deploy or to stay in a required state. The CDI installation might not function correctly.


  1. Set the CDI_NAMESPACE environment variable:

    $ export CDI_NAMESPACE="$(kubectl get deployment -A | grep cdi-operator | awk '{print $1}')"
  2. Check whether the cdi-operator pod is currently running:

    $ kubectl -n $CDI_NAMESPACE get pods -l name=cdi-operator
  3. Obtain the details of the cdi-operator pod:

    $ kubectl -n $CDI_NAMESPACE describe pods -l name=cdi-operator
  4. Check the log of the cdi-operator pod for errors:

    $ kubectl -n $CDI_NAMESPACE logs -l name=cdi-operator


If you cannot resolve the issue, see the following resources: